
Valuation Services

Why a Confidential Business Review?

The CBR (Confidential Business Review) is an Executive Summary Report of the business that accurately shows calculations used to arrive at an opinion of the full value of the business.  The CBR or Business Valuation requires in-depth research; extensive knowledge and ethical evaluation methodology for the sale of a business; succession planning; buying a business; employee buy-outs; insurance or refinancing a business and estate planning.  The CBR is a CONFIDENTIAL report that includes these components:

  • Overview of the company: Type of business, business history, market analysis, including competitors, growth plan with SWOT analysis of improving or declining in revenues and earnings, general description, and location of business.  Specific demographics.  Hours of operation, number of employees and other operating details should be included.
  • List of assets to be included (i.e., inventory, equipment, fixtures).
  • Financial information includes balance sheet and profit and loss statements for the past five years and notes about any adjustments to stated earnings that reflect the seller’s discretionary earnings incorporated in the profit and loss reports. Copies of tax filings should be provided to verify information in the business financial documents.
  • Details of the mortgage or lease/leases at property(ies) where the business is conducted, or terms by which the property can be purchased if owned by the seller and offered in connection with the business exit plan (i.e. sales of business).
  • Marketing information should describe customer base, methods of marketing, competition and trends in the industry that might impact exit planning (i.e. sale of business).
  • Personnel information includes roles of employees, key employees that are critical to business, compensation packages and information about any written employment agreements.
  • Details of the franchise agreement, if business is a franchisee.
  • Explanation of reason for sale, as appropriate.
  • Sell price and terms of seller financing, if any.
  • Seller commitments offered, such as, non-compete; training and transition agreements.

Traditionally it is provided to qualified prospective purchasers of companies, under an NDA, with sell price of the business. (A CBR that discusses a business for sale should NOT be handed to any interested parties unless qualified as legitimate potential buyers by the Certified Business Intermediary/Advisor representing the seller). The Confidential Business Review is a service to the Business Owner (Seller) that will define and clarify the details of the value of the business and will often lead to a higher selling price.  The Confidential Business Review is designed to clarify and give accurate account of the business to reduce the potential of the transaction failing or even future litigation. The Confidential Business Review will assist the Buyer with justifications for the selling price.

Contact Mike Lohbeck, CBI via Phone at: (513) 200-0247, or via email:

Succession Planning

What to Expect for a Seamless Transition?

As a business owner, you have worked long and hard to growing your family-owned business.  Now, it is time to transition the business to the next generation.  We, at MGL Business Solutions believe in the philosophy of “Begin with the End in Mind” by Stephen Covey.  A solid Succession Plan will work with the owner, their successors and other family members on the end goal and objective for ensuring a smooth transition of the family-owned business for the future.  Our Confidential Business Reviews or Valuations are an important stage in the Succession Planning process.  As well, we will focus on difficult conversations that need to be addressed within a supportive environment.  We have many resources to make sure your team is in place for the future success of your business.   A successful transition to the next generation will Make Your Dreams a Reality!

CFO For Hire

CFO is a financial expert that you hire as a consultant for your business.  We are your “CFO For Hire”. We come in and help you make strategic decisions, we can provide financial strategy services, and can work on your budget. This means we are available as a part-time, ongoing resource, based on your needs. An outsourced CFO has deep financial expertise and can offer a variety of different services, including systems analysis and design, operational optimizations within your organization, help identifying, anticipating, and resolving challenges such as cash flow issues, raising capital, developing a pricing strategy, implementing more efficient systems, and preparing for growth. For many small businesses working on a budget, these are not functions readily available within your current staff but are critical to your success.  So, we are your “CFO for Hire” for your business.

Selling a Business

Is it time to sell?

Selling your business is a major decision!

You have devoted your time, money, and energy into building, running, and operating your business. It may well represent your life’s work.

If you have already decided that now is the right time to sell, you want the very best professional guidance you can get. This is when working in tandem with a professional business broker can make the difference between just getting rid of the business and selling it for the very best price and terms!

Following are some of the most common topics and questions frequently brought up by sellers. If you have any questions that we have not covered, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Buying a Business / Franchise

Do you dream of owning your own business?

Buying a business can be a complicated procedure

From finding the right one to working out all the details required for a smooth transfer of ownership.

While there is no such thing as the “perfect” business, a business broker knows the importance of finding one that fits your needs, talents, skills and lifestyle. A business broker has many different types of businesses for you to consider and the knowledge and experience to walk you through the entire process.

Below you will find some helpful information as you consider whether buying a business is right for you.

Mergers and Acquisitions

We have an Advisory Team that can assist with Mergers and Acquisitions for your organization.

2022 M&A Trends Survey: The future of M&A from Deloitte.

Dealmaking trends to help you pivot on M&A’s fast-changing playing field. The M&A market is hot, with current M&A trends indicating an upcoming run. But that doesn’t mean next year will come without challenges. Explore insights from corporate and private equity firm dealmakers that can help your company anticipate obstacles, adapt to evolving regulation, and innovate its M&A strategy.

From a legal point of view, a merger is a legal consolidation of two entities into one, whereas an acquisition occurs when one entity takes ownership of another entity’s share capitalequity interests or assets. From a commercial and economic point of view, both types of transactions generally result in the consolidation of assets and liabilities under one entity, and the distinction between a “merger” and an “acquisition” is less clear. A transaction legally structured as an acquisition may have the effect of placing one party’s business under the indirect ownership of the other party’s shareholders, while a transaction legally structured as a merger may give each party’s shareholders partial ownership and control of the combined enterprise. A deal may be euphemistically called a merger of equals if both CEOs agree that joining together is in the best interest of both of their companies, while when the deal is unfriendly (that is, when the management of the target company opposes the deal) it may be regarded as an “acquisition”.

Partner and Employee Buy-Outs (ESOP)

There are many ways to exit a business, the Partner or Employee Buy-Outs are options for some business owners.  We work with many business owners that want to keep their team members engaged in the business, so we will handle the buy-out process.   A Partner Buy-Out occurs when there are more ownership partners in a business decide to offer a partner a share of profits or cash in exchange for all or part of his or her interest in the business.

An Employee Buy-Out or employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is an employee benefit plan that gives workers ownership interest in the company.  Larger companies often use ESOPs as a corporate-finance strategy to align the interests of their employees with those of their shareholders – because the employees become shareholders through an ESOP. Many publicly traded companies offer ESOPs to their employees.  For private, closely-held companies – particularly those in the lower to mid-Middle Market – ESOPs give the owners a way to gradually shift the ownership to the employees over time.

Real Estate

We have a team of Commercial Real Estate representatives that are experts on the marketplace and understand that the property is used exclusively for business-related purposes or to provide a workspace rather than as a living space, which would instead constitute residential real estate. Most often, commercial real estate is leased to tenants to conduct income-generating activities. Commercial real estate includes several categories, such as retailers of all kinds—office space, hotels and resorts, strip malls, restaurants, and healthcare facilities. We work on selling the business and the commercial real estate, as part of the majority of our deal structures.

Strategic Business Planning

Business owners need solid business plans to guide their company through the process of achieving their long-term goals. An annual strategic business plan allows a business owner, or other team members to examine their long-term strategic goals and determine the strategy they will use to achieve those goals. A strategic business plan will include market information about the company; a SWOT analysis (strengths; weaknesses; opportunities and threats); identify business goals and key performance indicators; summarize market research; outline a marketing plan; and a detailed financial plan. (Strategic Business Plans are part of our Valuation/Confidential Business Review (CBR at MGL Business Solutions).

Business Development

Our business coaching at MGL Business Solutions is all about Business Development. Business development entails tasks and processes to develop and implement growth opportunities within the company in the current and future economic environment. Business development is the creation of long-term value for a business from customers, markets, and products/services. Business development can be taken to mean any activity by either a small or large organization, non-profit or for-profit enterprise which serves the purpose of ‘developing’ the business in some way.

Competitive Examination

Competitive Examination is a part of any good marketing plan. Researching the market and paying attention to your competition and what they are doing will assist with developing a plan of action for future growth of a company. Many business owners will lose out on business, to competitors they have never even heard of, simply, because they did not take the time to do competitive research. We help business owners have a clear understanding what your competition is doing to help your business position itself, and their product or service, within the marketplace.

HR Services / Recruiting

At MGL Business Solutions, we pride ourselves in getting the right person for the right position for long-term growth within the right company.   We have recruitment strategies that will assist with attracting, screening, selecting and appointing qualified candidates for positions within your company.  We use a blend of traditional recruiting platforms; professional networks and modern marketing methodologies to connect with specific candidates that align with your company’s mission, vision and values. This said, we recognize the importance of employee retention and can assist with developing and implementing employee compensation plans that include mutually beneficial incentive-based programs designed to drive actions toward mutually beneficial goals.

Building Management Team

Effective team management is very essential for the growth and success of any company. We will build a management team by assessing what kind of skills and talents you need for the specific positions, recruiting leaders to work with you and giving them the authority and flexibility to make decisions for the future of your business.


What does it mean to own equity in a company?

Equity means the ownership interest of investors in a business firm. Investors can own equity shares in a firm in the form of common stock or preferred stock. Equity ownership in the firm means that the original business owner no longer owns 100 percent of the firm but shares ownership with others, known as shareholders.  Our team at MGL Business Solutions will walk you through the process of Equity Ownership.


We work with many banks to assist you and your business with Refinancing or Commercial Loans.  Refinancing involves replacing an existing loan with a new loan that pays off the debt of the first one. The new loan should ideally have better terms or features that improve your finances to make the whole process worthwhile for your business.  Therefore, we have an Advisory Team of Bank Executives that will work to secure the best loan for your business.

Tax Structures

The United States of America contains three main types of taxes imposed which are federal, state and local government taxes. These Tax are applied on income, payroll, sales, property, dividends, imports and estates as well as different fees. We have an Advisory Team of CPA’s and Tax Advisors at MGL Business Solutions that can assist in all your business needs with regards to tax structures.

Sales and Marketing POA

We will work with both your sales team and marketing department with the aim to develop a plan of action to increase revenue for your business.  We will help develop a target market; competitive advantage; sales plan and sales/marketing goals.

Goal Setting

Setting goals are very important in life, the main purpose is to outline a set of objectives, and by which means you will be able to achieve them. Goals provide direction in life, and help a person stay focused, motivated, and improves performance. Goal setting is a process. The goals have to be SMART: specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timely.

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed in order to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal. Goals are more deliberate than desires and momentary intentions. Therefore, we will assist with setting goals for your team and track progress of attaining the goals for your business.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are used to measure the behavior, activities, and performance of a business. This should be in the form of data that measures required data within a range, allowing a basis to be formed supporting the achievement of overall business goals. We work hard to make sure you can measure the progress of your team towards your company’s goals.

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Contact Us

Contact us today to discuss business planning & development to grow your business; Confidential business valuation; succession planning; selling a business or buying a business.

Phone: 513-200-0247

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